Movies & TV

Amber Marshall Praises Heartland’s Success on Wholesome Family Themes

Actress Appreciates Filming Outdoors, Highlighting Connection to Family-Oriented Storylines

Amber Marshall loves filming Heartland! Even after all this time, she isn’t tired of it. “That’s saying a lot!” she laughed about the show’s long run.

Long hours, loving the outdoors:

Marshall also enjoys filming outside. Unlike her actor friends who spend all day in studios, she gets to experience the fresh air. “I think that’s what makes us really fortunate,” she explained. “Heartland stands out because we see all the seasons and actually get to be outside enjoying the weather.”


Warm sets, wholesome themes:

The actress said the show’s beautiful outdoor sets have a welcoming feeling that reflects the show’s themes. “The whole idea of Heartland is this nice, cozy family feeling, and it’s right here on location,” she added.

In an interview with TV Insider, she talked more about Heartland’s success with fans. “I think viewers crave a good, clean family show they can watch together without worrying about the content or having to explain things to their kids,” Marshall explained. “That’s the common thread. It’s something everyone can enjoy and discuss. In today’s fast-paced world, people are often separated by devices. Everyone is very disconnected, but they can still come together to watch our show as a family.”

Teasing Amy’s story:

Marshall gave fans some hints about what’s coming up for her character, Amy, this season. “Amy’s doing great in Season 17,” she shared. “There are lots of fun storylines coming up.”

Sisterly bond:


Co-star Michelle Morgan talked about the close relationship she and Marshall share as sisters on Heartland.

“The good news is, for Amber and me, our friendship has grown stronger over the years, and we get along better than ever,” she explained. “On some shows, people get tired of each other after a while. But we have a wonderful relationship, and when we get to do scenes where we act like sisters, it’s special. We really appreciate those moments.”

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  1. Love Heartland and my 3 favorite characters are Amy, Ty and Jack. My least favorite are Tim, Lou and Mallory.

  2. I love Heartland,, my usual genre of movies after 20 years military (1980-2001)is sifi, horror and WWII combat, but for some reason I watched an epudode of Heartland one day and fell in love with the showto thd point I can watch every epudode from the first to the last over and over

  3. My Great Granddaughter and I love to watch Heartland, she will sing the theme song along with the entro to the show every time it comes on.

  4. This describes the show very well. I love it because it has no vulgarity and the a disgusting dress codes. I wish there were more shows like this that are morally good.

  5. I absolutely love Heartland so do my 3
    granddaughters. Most warming series ever on television. Thank you for this show

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